At first glance, mobile carts appear to be simple, humble tools. But in an increasingly wide range of fast-paced workplaces, they have become indispensable. A moment’s thought should make it fairly clear why: any workplace that requires quick and seamless transport of important items back and forth across the area will benefit enormously from having a few sturdy and reliable moveable type carts on hand.
Fundamentally, all mobile carts have a basic common architecture that is simplicity itself. Carts are just platforms on wheels. And yet, within that broad design framework, a great deal of room for innovation still remains. They can be customized and specialized to meet various kinds of specific challenges and needs. Certain special features can even give them a degree of versatility and adaptability across a wide set of domains — which would only make them of even greater use to you and an even greater asset to your workplace.
RDM Industrial Products has more than four decades of intensive experience manufacturing all kinds of critical industrial furniture for labs and other organizations. Mobile carts of all kinds — industrial carts, utility carts, adjustable height carts, lab carts and more — have long been among our most outstanding products.
So, let’s talk about the versatility of mobile carts!

RDM Mobile Cart – with Steel Plate Main Top & Lower Shelf. Locking Casters & Push Handle.
As we hope to show you, though they might seem droll and simple to those not in the know, carts can actually be quite rich and varied. Here, we’ll discuss some of the different kinds of factory-direct carts that we can manufacture for you, their features and uses, and the many industries that have grown reliant on them in order to be able to function at their best.
The Different Kinds of Carts and What They Can Do
So, with that, let’s get to business! What kinds of carts can we offer you and your workplace? What can they do, and how do they work? Here’s the rundown on some of our most important styles:
Tool and Hardware Carts:
These carts are specially built to do just what their name suggests: transport heavy tools and cumbersome hardware. As such, they typically aren’t made according to the raised horizontal platform architecture of a typical cart. Rather, they are built as walled vertical racked upon which said tools can be hanged. Peg boards are also included in this category. Furthermore, we also design special carts with adjustable upper shelves and carts with overhead cantilevered booms meant to help carry extremely heavy items. The latter helps to carry around items somewhat in the way that a crane might.
Adjustable Height Carts:
These carts come with hydraulic lifts that allow them do their magic — to move up or down as the user requires. The left can also be operated via a manual hand crank. We can custom-design your cart to have a total height-adjustability range of anywhere between six and sixteen inches. They typically come with 1,000-pound weight-bearing capacity, but we can upgrade that for you to 1,500 pounds if required. Our adjustable height cart can be either square-shaped or rectangular.
Heavy Duty Carts:
The carts in this category are, above all, built tough. Their frames are designed to be virtually indestructible and they are designed to withstand prolonged and rough use. They can take bumps and beatings, but function just fine. All cart frames here are made of stainless steel and frequently include lower crossmembers to give them even greater strength. Our vertical panel rack, horizontal panel rack and roll storage carts also all have special heavy-duty models. All are made at industrial-quality standards.
Industrial Carts:
This is broad cart category. However, its name connotes strength, residence and being built to last. This is, of course, a totally accurate impression. The real name of the game with industrial carts is stainless steel. Whether we’re talking about a simple, square, single-shelf cart or a multi-shelf cleanroom rack to carry cleaning products when it comes time to scrub everything down, everything is made of stainless steel. We’ve even got carts here with drawers for built-in extra storage; carts with a containment curb top to keep whatever you place on it from falling off, even as it flies around at high speed; and carts with overhead containment boxes attached. Click here to see everything we have in this category.
Laboratory Carts:
This, too, is a fairly broad category, but it encompasses all of the qualities that lab workers need to have in their carts: sturdiness, portability, carrying capacity, and so forth. Many of the models in the laboratory cart category have two shelves on them, a lower one and and upper one, allowing greater overall carrying capacity. Larger rectangular mobile tables with harder frames are also available if you need to transport heavy equipment across the lab. But perhaps the niftiest things RDM has to offer here are our mobile computer workstations. They double as both carts and work counters, with room to both store equipment below and keep a computer, a keyboard and other tools above. Plus, the whole thing is on wheels! Check out the kinds of laboratory carts we have here.
Please be aware, though, that this list is far from exhaustive. We’ve also got storage carts, packaging carts, multi-layered cleanroom carts and many more things waiting for you at our design facility and emporium. To see a more complete selection of our many quality-designed, industrial-grade carts, have a look at the different kinds of styles and models that we offer here.
Where Mobile Carts Are Useful
Now that you’ve had a taste of the many different kinds of utility carts that we can manufacture and have been given some kind of indication of what they can do, it should be clear to you that many different industries depend on them on a daily basis. If you’re still deciding on whether to take the plunge and buy a few, here is a small sample of the kinds of places that make regular use of them:
- research, design and engineering labs
- hospitals, medical centers and medical schools
- industrial plants and factories
- packaging plants
- construction companies and architectural firms
As you can see by now, mobile carts can be extremely useful. They are simple tools, but they have uses that are so wide-ranging that it would be foolish for a great many important enterprises, large and small, to go without them.
And that, we hope, should give you some appreciation for how carts can be cool.
RDM carts, along with other industrial and laboratory products are proudly manufactured in the USA. Whether you need lab carts to give your researchers some added convenience and help them work faster, or some industrial-grade tool racks to help your workers pass out their equipment before getting to business on the job, RDM has you covered.
Please check out our full selection of high-grade mobile carts today.